Please don't judge her..

The day I was born, my entire family rejoiced except my mom. But please don’t judge her since she was in pain, weak and fighting to survive just to bring me safely in to this world. When I cried in the middle of the night she woke up and spent endless nights with me, comforting me and rocking me back to sleep. But there were times when she didn’t. Please don’t judge her for that since she was tired and sleep deprived for making sure I slept peacefully. She left me in the hands of my grandmother/nanny when I turned three months, but please don’t judge her for that since she needed to get back to work and struggled to retain her identity at the same time fighting her inner conscience which was ridden with guilt for leaving me. It was harder for her than it was for me, trust me. When I was a toddler, my mom went for a holiday with my dad. Without me. But please don’t judge her for that as she needed to spend some time with him as well, alone. I indeed am the center of her existe...