Beyond boundaries..
I went shopping, few days ago, since my favorite sale season is here! I love to shop during sales which give me immense satisfaction knowing that I managed to save quite a few nickels. Not to mention that in that process of saving a few nickels I lost many a dimes. But never mind that. I am just basking in the glory of grabbing the best deals of the season out there. Retail therapy works wonders on my worked up mind, you see. So, while shopping and browsing through the aisles of a famous mall in my city, I saw a little girl of about 7 or 8 years watching me fascinated. I don’t know what it was that struck her the most about me that she was quietly observing me and noticing my every move. Had it been an adult, it obviously would have sent a panic alarm but since she was a little kid I didn’t pay much heed and was just amused by her fascination. Slowly, she began to approach me, came in front of me and suddenly asked “Aunty, are you a Muslim?” I stood there stunned and shocked at h...