
Showing posts from August, 2016

Are you a friend for a reason, a season or a lifetime?

 For me, a born introvert, it was never easy making friends since childhood. And I never even tried hard to make new friends. I was just happy in my shell, with just one or two friends whom I gelled well with, in all the phases of my life till now.     There are friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for a lifetime. I don’t believe in making friends for a reason though because of my naivety and trust on every other person I met, I was often taken on a ride and people used my friendship for their own means. For that very reason, I became wary of making friends and had trust issues later in life when I finally got worldly wise.  Friends for a season came and went. For a short time I got to know some wonderful people who will always be remembered with fondness but are no more a part of my life simply because we didn’t try enough to keep in touch or maybe our journey of friendship was only for that particular phase. The bonding we once shared faded with...