The child in You...
This children's day let's take a pause to reflect and turn back the time a little bit when we were growing up. Our childhood. Those carefree days of endless fun, hearty laughters, afternoon shenigans, evening games with the colony gang and screen time limited to Sunday shows/cartoons. Ahhh! Nostalgia strikes. A lot has changed since then and we can see a huge difference in the times we grew up and our children growing up. Of course, evolution is obvious with changing times and every generation will feel that change at some point. Though, what wouldn't you give to turn back time to those simpler times. When we had less comforts and luxury but more peace and contentment. Where we had more real friends than Facebook friends. Where actual playtime was spent outdoors playing real games instead of playing it online. When the world was safe enough to venture out alone without causing stress for our parents which is almost unimaginable now. When the most awaited and ha...