
They grow so fast

They grow so fast.. And the phrase seems both so very true and false at the same time as in the day to day life nothing seems so fast. A meal can take an eternity and a sleepless night a lifetime. It takes ages to potty train them and eons to transition from co-sleeping in parents room to sleeping in their own. Years of meditation sometimes fail to keep you calm and sane when a raging tantrum tornado hits you out of nowhere.  Yet everyone else around you says they grow so fast as they are on the other side of the tornado watching it from far who are clueless of what goes inside of it ! Oh yeah! Although, another part of you also agrees with everyone else when you look at your little one, and suddenly realize they are not so little anymore! Their tiny little hands, that always used to hold you tightly are not so tiny anymore. Those tiny little feet, that used to follow you like a shadow everywhere you go, fits in your shoe now!  Their innocent cute tales and babbles have turned into mat

A heartfelt ode..

Diwali. Is a vibe. A vibe of happiness, a vibe of positivity, a vibe of celebration,  a vibe of togetherness,  a vibe of life and love! It is that time of the year when everything around you gives you a vibe of the festive spirit and zeal. Love every bit of it(except for the ear splitting firecrackers) starting from the Diwali cleaning of house to decorating the house, making homemade sweets and snacks, making colorful rangolis, illuminating the house with diyas and lights and celebrating the festival together with family! No matter what state of mind I'm in prior to Diwali, it always managed to drag me in its joyous and festive vibe! But this time it failed to. There was no enthusiasm around it. No festive vibes. It was rather the darkest Diwali of my life, blowing away one precious light of my life which shone brightly upon me with love and blessings in abundance. My sweetheart.. my nani!  I lost her two days before Diwali. For fifteen long days, her soul courageously fought the

The saga of the lockdown life..

And I’m back to blogging after ages. Yup you guessed it right, all thanks to the corona virus and the locked down lifestyle we all are bound to live in these days. Not that I don’t have my plate full… there are plenty of chores that need my attention at this moment while I’m writing this. But I decided to ignore those as they seem never ending and I feel as I’m always springing from one chore to another before I realize one more day has come to an end and all I did was copy paste the previous day and the previous and the previous. Blah! Its like you are on a programmed mode to finish the days chores, and by mistake someone switched on the repeat mode and Viola! You are on a spin. I’ve even lost count of days/weeks/weekends as I literally drag myself out of the bed each day to face the repetitiveness of the lockdown life. Though it has its own positives and it also had few learnings and discoveries about myself which I never thought remotely possible in the normal life. Here it goes :

A mother's letter - VIII

My dear daughter, Today you are turning eight. Yeah, I know I’ve been a lazy writer this past year and as much as I hate to admit it, a lazy mother as well. I know I haven’t been giving enough time to you as I should be and have been yelling a lot on you mostly for your tantrums and a rebellious attitude. Though, only I am to be blamed for that as I can tend to be a tad overbearing, overprotective and sometimes over edgy with you which in turn aggravates the rebel in you. But from today, on this special day, let’s promise each other that we’ll make an effort to become a better version of ourselves. I’m not the preachy type, my past letters to you are a testimony of that and when you read it you’ll know that it has nothing but immense love that I have for you. But this time, I want you to make a few promises to me, as will I, but since this letter is from me to you I’ll list down the promises that I want you to make which eventually will help you to become a better version of yourself

A mother's letter - VI

 My dear daughter, Today, as you celebrate six years on this earth , we celebrate the journey.. the ride, the bumps, the speedbreakers, the crossroads, the milestones.. Every little thing about this journey has been forever etched in our minds. Sometimes, the road seems never ending but most of the times it seems the road is whizzing by us and the last six years of our life feel surreal. Now, that you are budding to grow into a young girl bidding adieu to your toddlerhood, I wish to turn back time and relive your infant and toddler years all over again ! Apparently, more so because you at least pretended to listen to what I said, if not exactly follow it. Now is a different story. You have dropped all pretenses, which is great, I don’t particularly like pretenders. Be who you are. Always. Only not when your mom is in a seething rage and wants you to behave in a more civilized manner, then probably it is a good time to at least listen to her and try to follow her advice for the peace

I just want to be ME!

 For me, there’s nothing more important than playing the role of a mother to my child at this point in my life. I have never been the ambitious kind. I have always been content and happy playing a myriad of roles in my life that of a daughter, a wife and now a mother. I never felt as if I’ll miss something or I’m misplaced in life if I don’t work professionally. That’s a different story that there are some people who like to make you feel that way. And they almost succeeded. At one point in time even I felt I was worthless and a nobody since I didn’t work. But, thank God for a supportive and understanding husband who always supported me in all my decisions (well most of them) and particularly this one. He always told me and motivated me to do what makes ME happy. And I did just that. I found my happiness in discovering myself as a photographer, blogger/writer, an artist, a crafter and a graphic designer. I wear these different hats according to my penchant and the best part is I don’t

Super mom, I'm not!

Since ages, we have classified moms in two categories. Good moms and bad moms. Until recently, when another type sprung up and lo!behold every mom strives to hold a place in that category. Yup, Super moms it is! And why not, they definitely deserve the title, who makes the world go around for their little ones. Though, not me. I don’t consider myself a super mom nor am I striving for that coveted title. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to become a super mom but the truth is I know that I don’t have it in me to become one. Miserable, I know. Oh well, it just doesn’t come naturally to me, try hard as I might (which I don’t, if truth be told). However good intentions I might have but it somehow comes out in a different manner altogether and I become the devil mom in the eyes of my little one. Sigh! Well, not that I really mind being a devil mom since that is one thing I can really excel at, so at least don’t take that away from me. Whatt?? You don’t take me seriously? I’m not kidding at

Five important life lessons that motherhood taught me..

It is said that a mother is a child’s first teacher. What a mother can teach her child, no one else can. Absolutely true. But have you ever wondered what a child can teach a mother.   Let me tell you what my child has taught me and how it has changed me in these five years of motherhood which no parenting book or article could succeed in teaching me. 1. Patience Or the lack of it. Yes, I was patience personified before motherhood struck me and mostly everyone I know would vouch for it. But my patience got impatient as soon as my child learned how to play with it. Oh yes! They sure know how and when to twist your   arm and turn it around in their favour. By hook or by crook. And then all hell breaks loose. 2. Staying fit Well, I have always been a little health conscious. Not a health freak for sure but a little watchful and liked to hit the gym more often than not. Yoga and Pranayam was not my cup of tea though, it was for older people suffering from health problems. According to m

A Mother's letter - V

My dear daughter,   Congratulations! We’ve a new milestone to write about. You just completed five years since you popped out from me. Yay! Five going on fifteen. Oh yes. I won’t have to wait anymore to see how your teenage years are going to impact me as a parent. Nope. Coz, I’m the lucky one to experience it already even before you set your foot in pre pre-teens. I even shudder to think what’s in store for me when you actually enter your teens. I swear I don’t ever recall throwing such attitude, sass, style, drama or the vocabulary even after my teenage years, that you do at this tender age of five! It would have been much easier to blame it on your genes but sadly I don’t have that advantage to do that. I feel like I was a complete nincompoop at that age compared to you. And hence, I’m really astonished by the feats you are achieving so early in life which took me years and yet haven’t managed to master. Not that I undermine your achievements, I definitely knew that you had it in

The 'right way' of parenting tamasha!

In today’s times, parenting has become a challenge, more so the art of ‘right way’ of parenting. What is the right way, you ask? Well, I’d just say that if you are looking for the right answer then you are looking in the wrong place. I’m no parenting expert and nor I’m here to preach anyone the right or wrong ways of parenting. Everyone has their own style of parenting and I’m sure everyone parents according to what they think is the right way. To each their own, I would say. I’m no one to judge anyone’s parenting style and I expect the same from others. Oh well, at least I can hope. I know there are people who are always going to judge you and your way of parenting, no matter what. * “Oh what kind of a mother she is? Feeding her child formula milk and not mother’s milk!” and if she is breastfeeding her child beyond one year of age “How long will you breast feed her now.. you need to stop else it will be tough to wean after a certain age” * “Omg! She hasn’t managed to potty train