A social affair!
Over the last decade or so, social media has gained more popularity and relevance not only personally but professionally as well and has become one of the prominent career/profession choice amongst the younger generation. Almost every other gen alpha kid aspires to become a 'Social media influencer' when they grow up. So yeah that's the level of influence social media has caused and upheavaled our lives forever!
And I'm no exception! I love using social media and have no qualms about admitting it. It's a choice, irrespective of you posting anything or not. As long as it does not hinder your well-being, overall health, mental peace and contentment; do what makes YOU happy. Within a respectable boundary, ofcourse! I did the same.
If you know me, you would also know my love for photographs. Be it taking them them or sharing them. I love doing both. So initially, I used to click and share a lot of personal pictures with my family on Facebook when it was new and recently more on Instagram. Looking back, I wonder now how I was so carefree or naive as you may think. I was never the superstitious kind. Neither did I believe in evil eye nor I followed any beliefs that assert it. It never bothered me before if I put up my kid's or family pictures on the social media. You may think of it as my naivety but I always believed that sharing photos on social media help you stay and feel connected to your extended family and friends no matter the physical distance. It never occurred to me that I could invite negative energy by just sharing some happy or fun moments with my friends on social media as not everyone might be happy in your happiness, like I was told by many. But still I didn't stop sharing them completely. Though I have restricted photo sharing on social media to a great extent compared to what i used to do, I still would not like to fall prey completely to these kind of superstitious beliefs. Though, some unfortunate happenings in life often tends you to start believing in such superstitions and once your mind is on that path you are always cautious and suspicious of every small action you make socially, online or offline! Well, I may or may not break free from these age old superstitions, even I don't know, but I definitely WANT to, sooner or later! And hope to share photos freely without any doubts and qualms. Although, there are other factors also with more and more cyber crimes happening these days, safety has become an issue which makes you paranoid to share anything on the social media altogether!
Ofcourse, it's on us how we use social media and it has also proved beneficial in many aspects but like a coin, this too has two sides and comes with its own pros and cons and unless you throw it for a toss(read: be reckless) you can always choose what side you want to be on!
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