Mamma, Can I skip school.. like forever? :D

The past few weeks have been the most challenging and toughest weeks as a mother. The most dreaded day in the life of any parent, arrived. The first day at school. Yes! My little baby who is no more a baby, officially, started playschool last month.

Okay, now first of all let me clarify this, which I seem to be doing a lot of since I put her in school, before you jump on to any conclusions. It is NOT a school it is just a PLAY school and no they don’t teach her Abc’s or 123’s as everyone assumes. It is more of a platform for her to interact with kids her own age, to explore new and different activities, to develop and instill in her the power of imagination and creativity, to feel the goodness and develop self-confidence and above all to have a good time whilst channelizing her abundant energy to something positive and constructive for a couple of hours a day! If doing this makes me a ruthless mom, then so be it. Whoa! Playing defensive, are we? I have never been a defensive kinda person but somehow when it comes to this topic my defense mechanism mode switches on automatically without even my knowing it. Alright, so back to the non-defensive mode.

Well surprisingly, though I was also hoping for the same, the first day and the next couple of days sailed by smoothly. No crying, no tantrums, no hesitance, it was just too good to be true. My happiness and proudness soared new heights in those three days as if I had achieved something big. Deep down, even I was pretty confident that she would easily get accustomed with the school routine considering her social and playful nature. She loved being around the kids her own age, she loved playing with all kinds of toys, she is a people’s person and is very social even at this age, she is always on the go and super-active who loves exploring new and different activities. Bearing all this in mind, the reason for my being so confident was evident. And she did prove me right. For whole three days. And then BAM! The soaring bubble busted as quickly as it was blown . Sigh.

The scenario changed overnight. And it wasn’t a pleasant one this time. All of a sudden, there was a lot of crying, tantrums, clinging on and resistance to go to the school let alone go inside the class. I’m still puzzled as to what triggered this 360 degree turn in her behaviour. Maybe she thought this is a place where everyone cries and howls together carrying out a mass protest against their parents. Or maybe she ultimately realized like everyone else that her mother is one cruel person who sends her to school against her wishes and hence the protest. Well, whatever the reason one thing was sure it wasn’t going to be a easy road from there on. I patiently waited for her to come out of that phase hoping it would be just matter of days. Eventually days turned to weeks. And weeks will soon turn into a month now. Yet, the wait is on. Although there is quite a prominent progress and she seems to be adapting to it gradually, there is still something holding her back. And that is exactly what I don’t want her to do. I want her to let go of all her qualms and fears and live life like a free bird. I want her to fly high without the fear of falling down. I want her to enjoy every moment and make it worthwhile. I want her to revel in learning and thereby realizing that learning can be fun too. I want her to know that her mamma will always be there when she needs her but some battles she will have to conquer alone like this one. The battle of school blues. And I hope she conquers it soon. For my sake. Or else, yet again, I will be left alone to fight my own battle against everyone and this time it will be a lost one even before it starts! Phew..


  1. Good one near. Don't worry she will grew up in a person you will be proud of giving birth is so natural that children cry while going to play group and nursery as they are being exposed to altogether a new environment. Just have patience and enjoy this phase too.

    1. Thanks for your encouraging words Pals! :)

  2. Wow.. Neha... Kia really is growing up so soon. I have realised this as I grew into an adult - the toughest decisions (and seemingly ruthless ones) are most often the best for life. I have come to believe that in today's world, marks/scores/grades dont matter, as long as you have good interpersonal skills and a learning attitude. Seems like for your baby you are moving in just the right direction. Give it some time I say (as inexperienced as I am), am sure this phase will make her actual SCHOOL days easier.

    1. Thanks for the reassuring words, Pamela! Just what I needed to hear at this moment.. :)

  3. Hahaha! It is so hard to figure out what's in their heads right?! Could be she suddenly got hit by separation anxiety or she got spooked by some toy at the playschool or she does not like some other kid know! I bet you this is not going to be the first time she will act like this - confusing actions and emotions!! I think you might as well expect a life time of that - I can say that for myself from eight years of my experience!! :D
    About having to explain and defend your decision to put her in!! Why should you? I hate it that people put us parents in this position!! We know what we are doing - we have thought about this and every decision that we make for our kids for many long wakeful nights. And the most annoying part is when people who are clueless about us and our situation decide to not just judge us but also advice us on how we could do better??!! Really people! Get a life!!

    1. So true Mansi! We can never decipher what's going on in their tiny's kinda like a hidden mystery which you painstakingly attempt to solve every time and most of times it goes in vain :D Lol!

  4. This is the exact thing that happened with my younger one too, she did great for a month and then the howling, clinging and crying began at drop off time. I think once the novelty of going to school expires, separation anxiety kicks in ! Talk to the teacher about keeping things that interest her in front of her as soon as she arrives, with my daughter it was the play dough! And hang in there, it will get better!

    1. Thanks for writing in Gauri bhabhi! I always look forward to your comments specially coz I consider u as my inspiration in the world of blogging! :) well, yeah she seems to have settled now since all the crying howling n clinging have stopped completely now so I guess we have successfully passed that phase now , thankfully! Hehe...

      U seem to have disappeared from the blogging world.. ur readers r eagerly anticipating your next post..:)


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