
Showing posts from February, 2012

Moving on...

Phew ! At last found some time to return to the blog and revive it before it gets lost somewhere in the big bad world of web and before I forget that I do have a blog that needs to be updated periodically, at the least! That’s what blogs are there for in the first place. Oh well! Never mind the fact that no one really misses or cares about it except you. Just the satisfaction derived out of putting down your thoughts on paper ( rather venting out your emotions ) is an incentive enough to write the blog. And for once, I do have plenty to write about, lots of emotions sweeping inside me and lots to express but all my thoughts are so cluttered at the moment that I am at a loss of words. (Surprising, ain’t it?? :P) So much has happened in the past few months and for the first time in last few years I feel that life is finally moving ahead…in the right direction! Of course, there are times when I miss my life in the US .. the lifestyle, the comfort and convenience, the freedom, the fri...