
I’ve always been a firm believer of the phrase “Whatever happens, happens for the best”. And so far, it has proved to be the case for various instances in life building that belief stronger each time.

Whoa! Looks like we are going philosophical today, blame it on the dull & gloomy weather outside which leaves an overwhelming effect on my grey cells! ;) So in case you have a hard time trying to make sense of what I’m writing or reasoning my take on philosophy then please pardon my novice writing skills since I’m not the best person to talk or write about it and certainly not as a blogging topic. But here I'm writing about it and God only knows what would be the readers state of mind when they are done reading this! Warning : You might want to pull your hair out after reading this so read at your own risk!! :P .. Ok so back to the topic.

Only when you look back in time you realize that fact but when faced with that situation in the present time where your wishes are not being heard or granted by Him, it feels as if you are the most unfortunate person on this earth and He is ignorant of your wishes and depriving you of your happiness. And that’s when you start losing faith in Him. You tend to blame Him for all the things that occur or rather don’t occur according to your wishes and desires. (Hmm…somehow it’s always easy to blame someone or the other for all our shortcomings, isn’t it?) But what we fail to comprehend is the reason behind why those needs are not fulfilled as per our wishes. Is it because you don’t deserve it(maybe so) or is it because He wants to punish you for your sins(maybe you are the eternal wrongdoer!) Oh well, I do believe that we have to pay for our sins in this lifetime and so forth but at the same time I also believe strongly that when He is not gratifying our needs maybe there is an ulterior motive behind it.. a reason way beyond our understanding and foresight. Maybe He has planned something better than what we ever hoped for. Of which we may not realize until later in life, but even so it’s worth the pain if there’s a hidden gain! What say? So, don’t ever lose your faith in Him. Always keep the flame of Hope burning inside of you.. Don’t ever let it extinguish! Although, it’s easier said then followed. But every so often all we need is the strength ..To Hope! ..To believe! ..To live! And someone to give you gentle reminders about it, like this one! :)

(Alright, the philosopher in me has departed as of now, and you all can have a sigh of relief! For now! :D hehe...)


  1. oh my philosopher ;) I believe in you, thanks for gentle reminder ....very well written, good job again


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