Fear factor!

Not many people on the face of this earth can claim to be utterly fearless. Everyone is constantly fighting or trying to overcome that feeling of intimidation which has crept inside of you and before you know it, has found a permanent abode for itself. And after a while it becomes almost impossible, or so it seems, to conquer your fears. I myself am no exception to this overpowering emotion called ‘fear’. I fear losing my loved ones. I fear death. I fear the unknown. I fear old age. I fear being alone. I fear all kinds of creepy crawly creatures :).And a countless other qualms which I can go on and on about for a long while! LOL. Bearing a fear does not make you a weak and a timid person but surrendering to your fears sure does. I’m still debating whether I fall under the weak or courageous category since there are certain fears which I feel proud to have overcome but there are several which yet remains to be conquered, if I ever do conquer them!

Yeah, so now the core reason behind the origin of this post is that I, yet again, triumphed over one of the most irrational fear I had – Highway Driving! Yeah hard to believe that, right? Given that I’ve been driving since I became an adult officially, so as to speak!:D It is said that if you’ve driven on the roads of India then it’s a piece of cake to drive anywhere in the world! Or so I thought. But it took all of two long years, after I first acquired my license here in the US, to build up that courage and rise above the phobia of driving on the highway where cars whiz past you at 80 mph and one small blunder can cost you your or your loved ones life. However, after constant perseverance and my husband’s indomitable support I managed to defeat it, and how! Drove almost 200 miles at a go. And, finally I feel.. free! :))


  1. Hey Neha.. awesome post... I am yet to conquer that fear.. so I can relate to what you wrote.

    I am liking your writings.. so keep writing...!

  2. I have yet to conquer that fear Neha, but it might take a while with 2 car seats in the backseat...


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