
Often people ask me “How do you pass your time everyday since you don’t work?” And most of the time I reply smilingly “It passes somehow” not dwelling in to further details until asked persistently. But then sometimes I wonder how do people define ‘work’? Does it mean that you are ‘working’ only if you are earning monetarily? Or does it also mean that you are ‘working’ when doing something which gives you a sense of fulfillment, happiness and contentment without being the financial support of your family. It could be something as trivial as cooking or just plain household chores, taking care of your husband, children and other family members or something that you really enjoy doing be it expressing your thoughts through writing a blog, capturing the beauty around you through photography, canvassing myriad of colors through painting, explore a whole new digital world through graphic designing or just simple pleasure of reading a good book. Does doing all these and the other things you love and enjoy doing the most make you any lesser than the person who is ‘working’? If not, then why do I feel that it does every time someone asks me this very question, with sympathy and pity in their eyes which shouts out loud at me implying “Why the hell don’t u do something worthwhile and useful with your life instead of wasting it away on such crappy and useless things” ! What they don’t understand is the simple fact that I actually love doing what I do and would willingly trade-in with ‘working’, if I’m given that choice! But I guess, in this fast and modern age, you are an out-cast if you are not ‘working’, unfortunately, and it ultimately puts a strain on you and makes you feel guilty about it and you start thinking that maybe just maybe these people are right and I might be making a mistake by not doing the right thing that everyone wants you to do. Well, I don’t know what future has in store for me or whether I’ll ever work in the near future or not, but for now I’m happy being an out-cast till I become an in-cast(I don't even know if such a word exists, but I hope u got what I meant:) again! :D


  1. Very well expressed. Just don't bother about the rest of the world. Just do what you like doing. End of the day what matters is that you are "Happy" in your own world. So take a chill pill....

  2. thanks Dhara! yup i guess ur rite.. and for most of the part, thats exactly what i do! ;)

  3. peoples idea of what you should be doing with your life is their problem and not yours...be on guard not to make it yours..Joseph Campbell — 'The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.'


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