'Home is where the heart is'... isn't it??

There’s an old adage which goes like ‘Home is where the heart is’. Home. A place you can call your own. A place where you are surrounded by your loved ones. A place where you can be just yourself without any pretensions or care for the outer world. A place where you find tranquility and a sense of well-being. That place for me, after marriage, which I call home has been the place where I kicked off my married life, here in the States. It has been a silent companion, all the while, who has witnessed the change of seasons (of nature and of life) alongside us… who has witnessed turmoil of emotions that we go through, be it of joy or sorrow. It always stood akin to a wall of care and strength protecting us from the evils of the outer world. Together, we have created many memories along the years and it has etched a special place in my mind and heart!

Ironically, I was so averse to the thought of leaving my own country for a foreign land to the extent that when my parents were ‘looking’ for a suitable match for me, I just discarded some profiles purely on the basis of their geographic location, anything beyond the borders of my home country was unthinkable for me (how naive of me, right? Though, for once, am glad for my naivety or else i wouldn't have found my perfect match, my husband! ;)). But as luck would have it and since destiny always prevails (destiny somehow finds a way of disrupting our plans.. doesn’t it? Sometimes for the better!), I ended up on the same foreign land that I so dreaded coming to, reluctantly though in the beginning!  However, as time passed, I started to make new friends, explored the country, experienced the culture, the people, the spirit, the independence and I didn’t realize when it became ‘my home’ from a ‘foreign land’. Now, when I think of home, I neither see my parents home nor my in-laws home, what I see is this place where my husband & I made a little abode for ourselves!

And today, I feel distressed even at the thought of leaving this place I call home. Of course this is not the first time I am going through this emotion.. I felt the same when I was leaving my parent’s home right after my wedding. However, the volume of emotion cannot be comparable. This is completely unusual in some way. Maybe because I’ve adorned it to what suits my whims or maybe more so for the sense of free will that it imbibes me with of doing things my way at my time. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that I’m going to miss my heavenly abode, helluva lot, and wondering whether I’ll ever find a place just like this yet again in life… a place I can call HOME! And the quest begins…


  1. You will, though every once in a while the memories of this 'home" will flash and remind you of your life here..even today when I say Japan and close my eyes, I can see and feel the street I lived in and the tiny 1 room apartment I made into my home for a year.

  2. yeah you are absolutely right, it sure will remain in our memories for years to come..


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