iphone vs. android... the race is on!

Ever since the advent of iphone, I’ve been waiting to grab my hands on the most successful and phenomenal smartphone on the market. Iphone changed the definition of a cell phone. It was much more than your regular cell phone.  It was a phone, a camera, a videocam, an ipod, a gaming device, a source for online networking, a world of online information, and a lot lot more. In short, the world at your fingertips, literally!  Such is the phenomenon, that when you think of a smartphone the first thing that appears in your mind is, yeah you guessed it right, iphone! :) And the die-hard Apple fans who swear by iphone (till death do us apart! :P) are so fanatical that they have to have the latest iphone every time Apple upgrades it (2G, 3G and now 4G!) No offense to all the iphone users, I myself am a gadget freak and love to use the latest technology out there in the market! And hence, I’d promised myself that whenever I decide to buy a smartphone it has to be an iphone or no phone! So every time I laid my eyes on other smartphones I started comparing it with iphone and would think “Oh! It’s not even comparable to iphone!” which made my decision even stronger that “yes! I have made the right choice.”

So, after all this raving about iphone since quite some time, one would think that I finally did buy an iphone for myself.. right? Well, I almost did! Until I laid my eyes on HTC Droid Incredible and viola! It was love at first sight! :) It did everything an iphone did and much more. The moment I saw that Android phone, I knew that iphone is a passé! For me. And it did outweigh iphone in many aspects like phone lightness, larger screen, super-fast performance and many other technicalities that are missing in iphone. Having said that, one thing that no phone can beat iphone in, is its user-friendliness. You ask how I would know and on what basis I made such comparisons since I haven’t used an iphone, ever! True, though I have been using ipod touch which functions just like an iphone apart from the calling and camera feature. So technically I can say that I’ve used iphone and know the features in and out. Yeah I know, the die-hard iphone admirers might not agree with me on this but you can check the reviews out for yourself. I would have loved to write down a detailed review and comparison for both the phones but since I’m not an expert, I’d leave that for the professionals :) So below is the youtube link of an Droid Incredible vs. iphone review for anyone who cares to see it. It might be useful for those of you who are considering buying a new smartphone and might help them to see beyond the phenomenon called ‘iphone’! As I eventually did. 


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