Life....through the lenses!

A picture is worth a thousand words. Granted. It silently tells a story yet stridently depicts the moment. A simple setting which looks ordinary to our naked eyes may look extraordinary in the picture. It has the ability to change the perspective of the spectators and enables them to reflect on an angle other than the usual, if taken correctly and at the right moment. Obviously, it all depends on the photographer’s skills and how they perceive the world through their lenses. A good photographer is someone who can bring to life the subject of his shoot, irrespective of what it is!  I have plenty of respect and admiration for such photographers who have that talent and capability to leave an everlasting impression on your mind. And I crave to be one of them, someday! Although, I have a long way to go yet. I have just begun the journey of capturing the myriad colors of life through my lenses. And so far it has been an amazing and insightful journey, with occasional bumps and hitches which every ride entails! The love and passion for the lenses has indeed altered my perspective of life, of people, of nature, of things around us which indirectly helps in evolving as a photographer. And at the end of the day what matters is the contentment of evolving, in whatever way possible!

On a funny note, what is the most complex subject a photographer has to deal with? Women, of course! We are never satisfied with a picture of ourselves, are we?? There’s always something wrong in the picture… Oh! I look fat!... Gosh! My hair!... Ughhh! What the hell am I wearing?!?...  Ooops! I missed the pose! …. Ummm, there’s something missing in the pic, I don’t know what though!... And it goes on and on and on!!! ;) LOL! Kudos to the photographer who manages to make a woman happy and contented with a photo of herself! What say, ladies? :)
(And, finally, I managed to write one post without mentioning the man in my husband!! Yay! Oh wait… does this count?? Hell, I did it again!! :P)


  1. Yes, you did, I am sure he's pleased ! And you take very nice pictures, I am sure all your dreams will come true..

  2. Thank you for your kind words... :)


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