Life's U-turn...

So after a long hiatus, I’m back to the world of blogging! So much has changed since the last time I posted on my blog. It would not be incorrect if I say that my life has practically changed in these past few months. It’s as if life has abruptly changed the course of direction it was going on till now. Rather, taken a U-turn to a road so well-known that I can travel the distance with closed eyes. Or so I thought! So much has changed during the time I was busy traveling distant lands and exploring other paths. Moreover, with time even I’ve changed in some ways. So what I thought was familiar now strangely feels strange in many ways. Although, it was a long-planned ‘U-turn’, I didn’t anticipate the changes, adjustments and repercussions it would bring along with it. Consequently, it was a struggle to continue on the same road initially, more often than not fighting the irresistible urge to go back to the road we were on. Though, now gradually things are settling down and the ride is getting less bumpy (at least for now!) and I’m getting acquainted with my new life on this new path. And most importantly, we are finally amidst our FAMILY! Which is the sole reason for choosing this path, giving us the much needed strength to keep going on our chosen way, making our decision firmer and keeping our faith alive that it wasn’t a blunder to opt for this path at all!  


  1. Oh neha.. grt to see u bak! All the best for this new phase of life... Am sure in a couple of months you will be more settled and comfortable with all the changes. Talk to u soon!

  2. Great to hear from you Neha....again great writing , specially the last part....loved it :)


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