Not so 'cul-n a-rysky-skill' :P
Since past few years this question has been haunting me every single day of my life. It somehow never seemed so tough to answer when it was my mom who was doing the questioning. Now, since it depends on me to decide and add to it even prepare it, it suddenly has become a tedious query which I often don’t have any answer to. That’s an altogether different story that I’m not a big fan of cooking and neither very adventurous nor creative with my culinary abilities and hence I may be finding this question so torturous :O LOL! I often envy those who have cooking blogs and come up with sumptuous recipes each time which makes me speculate why didn’t God bestow upon me such a virtue which is an absolute must if you are born in an Indian family and more so if you are an Indian ‘bahu’. :D There’s no escaping it sadly, how hard you may try. I’m sure such talented people with to-die-for culinary skills would never have a dearth of ideas of what to cook daily. Ahhh! Blessed souls. And for people like me whose culinary skills beg for a chance of survival, it’s a never-ending quest. Alas!
I even vainly tried to re-direct the same question to dearest hubby many a times but he relentlessly tries to dodge it leaving me yet again to conquer the dreaded question all by myself! Sigh! How I wish that I had a genie who would answer all my questions and it would indeed be an icing on the cake if the genie not just answers it but magically makes it appear in a jiffy! that even remotely possible in reality!?! I guess it would only have been possible if I’d married a genie. Oh wait! I am already married to one…ain’t I? Though mine is more of a weekend genie… rest of the week he’s off duty! :P So still the question remains… unanswered! Do YOU have answers to my question…anyone, someone, puhhleeeeazze answer me and help me retaliate to this question, once and for all! How and from where do you all experienced and wonderful cooks manage to get your answers everyday to this same question without batting an eyelid? And the quest is on…
Hey..ok this comment is going to be an essay.. I have some suggestions for you..out of the 7 days, first declare 1 day as no cooking day, for the rest try and make up a menu of things you both like to eat and stick it on the fridge..cook out of it with whatever you have in your pantry..I am such a moody cook, sometimes I ' ll cook up delicacies all week and the other week we all have to do with bread/butter/jam. sandwich/frozen roti n stuff like that !! Second suggestion is keep a fixed menu for one rotli shaak or khichdi shaak or dal bhaat or everything, whatever u like, so then u just hv to think once in a day, what to cook ! The last suggestion is of course the best, make friends with neighbors who like to cook ..!!
ReplyDeleteHaha... I like your first and last suggestions the best!! :P But seriously, thanks for the sure will come in handy in future!! :))