So what if...

Stirred by the previous post, I decided to focus on the positive things in life instead of the negatives for a change. Enough of condemnation and criticism has been done since the time I made life’s U-turn. Enough of my frustration has been vented out through this medium since then. So it’s time now to modify the perception and give it an entirely new outlook, turning to some positive and good things that have happened since life’s U-turn.

-        The best thing that happened to us since our move back ‘Home’ is finally re-uniting with our families. **Yay! Hum saath saath hain…:)**
So what if we are in different cities but at least we can meet more often than not at all!

-        We can gorge on all the yummy and mouth watering delicacies that we had longed for… all that we want and whenever we want! ** Slurrrpily drooling **
So what if we fell sick every now and then…it builds up our immunity, ain’t it?!? 

-        No more of dish-washing, vacuuming, scrubbing bathroom floors and ironing!! ** Thanks to the legendary ‘bai’ culture :D **
So what if they do the disappearing act every so often, at least we don’t have to do it all 30 days of the month!!

-        Don’t have to check every time we step out of the door **Thanks to the boring weather which seldom vary (thankfully!)**
So what that no one really cares about the weather here… come rain or shine people are always on the move :)

-        The ease of ordering stuff like groceries, household things and even food just through a phone call. ** Aahhh, the bliss of having small shops, stores and restaurants in the vicinity** 
It doesn’t matter that those stores are just across the street.. its all about convenience and time management you see!

-        Finally, we don’t have to wait till we go to New Jersey to gobble ‘eggless’ pastries! We get them aplenty here…eggless cakes, pastries, icecreams and chocolates! **Yummilicious… yeh dil maange more of it**
So what if it means more calories, more fat and more cavities! What are gyms  and dental clinics invented for?? 

-        Doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket for visiting a doc just for a fever or a running nose. And the icing on the cake is you don’t have to wait weeks for an appointment while you are suffering with illness and pain. ** Whoa! Long-live our Indian doctors who are God sent, literally!**
So what if those very doctors are not available or are vacationing exactly when you need them… at least you have more options available than choosing from a list of your insurance provider :D

-        Freedom of mobility which doesn’t make me feel as if I’m house-arrested even though I don’t have a vehicle of my own! I’m free to move anywhere and anytime I wish to.. ** Yipeeee! I’m mobile again… **
So what that the pollution, dust and heat doesn’t make you wanna venture out in an auto-rickshaw or a bike... at least you have that option as a last resort.

-        A whole lot of options for watching hindi channels.. sloppy soaps, ‘timepass’ movies and ‘dhinchak’ songs… u name it and they have got it! **Waah! What an idea, sirji!**
So what that most of the times it bangs on your head like a hammer… but entertainment ke liye kuch bhi karega!!

-        And last but not the least, having hubby work from home! ** Lucky me, ain’t I? :)**
So what if he is slogging it out almost the whole of day on his laptop and doesn’t have time to even look at me but still he’s around me and there when I need him!

So there! I didn’t think I would go above 2 or 3 positive points but I did manage about 10 of them! Yay! I can be positive after all…if I try hard! :P After this brainstorming session, I know what I’ve been missing and realizing its worth. Let’s hope that this effect of positivity remains on forever and is not short-lived. One thing I’ve learned from all this is whenever you are faced with difficult situations or negative thoughts, outweigh them with the positives in your life. I know it’s easier said than done but if I, whose blood group is even negative (now I know where all the negativities come from…not my fault! hehe), could do that than its probably more easier for you than you think!


  1. Very well expressed dear -:). Good start I must say. I know in today's century with so many options around, it’s not quite easy to overlook the “obvious”, but yes the minimum we can do is make a conscious afford to stay positive, as it definitely helps. Keep writing, I enjoy reading your blogs.

  2. Thanks Dhara! Yeah you r right...that's the least we can do to enforce some positivity inside the mind, body and soul!! :)


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