Words are all I have...

WORDS. A small word. But a powerful medium. An influential tool. To express oneself. To voice your opinion to the world. To bring to life your deepest thoughts. A few right words put together can make an everlasting impression on one’s mind and spirit.. On the other hand, a few inapt words put together can form an irrevocable rift between the strongest of relations. It depends entirely upon how you use the power of word, to work in or against your favor. 

Gifted are those who can express their thoughts in the right way and with a positive impact on others, through words! Such able people once they begin writing, words magically start flowing out of their minds onto the paper (in this day and age on MS Word). Unlike amateur writers like me, who have to squeeze the life out of their intelligence and wits to think of something appropriate to write at the same time struggling to hold the interest of their readers…whatever few there are ! :P

That’s another thing that I cannot even qualify as a writer, as this blog is the first ever thing that I wrote in life, that too on a  random whim! Well, not completely. There is a blog and a writer, an amazing one at that, who did inspire me to start writing or rather start my own blog. Its simply incredible how someone, who miles apart, whom you’ve hardly ever met or known can make such a powerful impact on you…just through their words!

So thanks to that person, I’m now in the world of blogging and known the joy of writing and expressing myself through words. Though I wonder how thankful will you all (the readers of this blog) be to that person, after all YOU are the ones who have to bear, suffer and read through my agonies, my experiences, my complaints, my craziness, my whims, my wisdom or rather lack of it.. :P and so forth ! All I would say here is, your tough luck…! Yeah honestly, since nothing is going to prevent me from blogging as I’ve discovered a new love for writing and the sense of freedom of expression it imbibes me with. :D

Another blog and writer worth mentioning and whose writing skill I admire and hold in high esteem is of a very famous personality whom we all know as Amitabh Bachhan. We all know that he is an astounding actor, a humble personality, a dignified human-being amongst his many other distinguished avatars. But not many of us know that he is a remarkable writer as well. I first came across his blog when he announced to the world the news of him being a soon-to-be ‘Grandpa’. And from then on, I got hooked on to his blog and haven’t missed a single post since.

At first, its kind of hard to believe that he himself writes this blog…everyday! Yes you read that right. He updates his blog once every day which is quite amazing bearing in mind the fact that he is a very busy man yet he never fails to blog and by doing so never disappointing his millions of fans who ardently wait to read it. It also brings to light a new side to him…a philosophical personality who is very deep, intellectually and emotionally! I was never a huge fan of Mr. Bachhan as an actor. He gained my attention only after KBC when I saw him in a different light as a humble human-being and I began to respect him as an individual. And after reading his blogs my respect turned to admiration and now I’m in an awe of his larger than life yet modest persona! Indeed, words have the power to alter someone’s views and leave an eternal effect on your soul.

And as I write this post, I remember a very famous and one of my favorite songs ‘Words’ by Boyzone “It’s only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away!”  Yet again, power of words at play! And how beautifully..!
Enjoy the soulful song here.


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