Thank you...!

There are many people in your life, who mean a lot to you and knowingly or unknowingly have touched your life in some good way. You realize that you are indeed blessed to have such people in your life but often tend to take them for granted or are too busy to thank them for being a wonderful part of your life. Today, on Thanksgiving day, I would like to grab the opportunity to thank those who have made me feel immensely blessed to have them in my life!

My Parents-  Ever since you are born, you become the center of the world for your parents. Everything they do, they do it for you keeping in mind your well-being. My parents belong to the same category. They didn’t leave any stone unturned in bringing us up and in giving us the best of education, the best of values, the best of life-style and comforts, the best of everything! Even if it meant sacrificing their dreams and their comforts. We owe everything to them for what we are today. Thank you Mom & Dad for everything, for this beautiful gift of life!

My Husband – My better half, my best friend, my soul-mate, my guide, my inspiration, my strength! He plays so many significant roles in my life and comes out shining in each of them with his ever so caring and loving nature. I certainly must have done something right either in this life or the previous to deserve such a wonderful man as my life-partner! Thank you for coming into my world and making my life worthwhile and meaningful and for teaching me the true meaning of love!

My Parents-in-law – Very few people on this earth can claim this privilege and I just happen to be amongst the lucky few! Its very rare to find such loving and caring parents-in-law who treat their daughter-in-law as their own daughter. To find a loving husband is indeed a good fortune but to find a loving husband with equally loving in-laws is being truly blessed. And I feel just that! Thank you for accepting and loving me the way I am!

My Grandmom(Nani) – With her gentle loving ways and heart filled with so much love and care for all her grandchildren, my grandmom is indeed one of the sweetest and lovable person alive! She is what a perfect grandmom would be – warm, affectionate, compassionate, kind-hearted and devoted. She has always been my role-model and I share a very special relationship with her. Thank you granny for your ever loving care, support, and bed time stories and all the sweet little things you did and still do for us!

My brother and sisters – My brother and I shared a typical bro-sis relationship where we would fight all day long on the pettiest of things while growing up :) Though, thankfully, things have changed now and we are more civilized than before :P. After years of staying apart we finally realized each other's value and significance. Now, we share a great bond with each other with the occasional amusing fights just for fun. And my sister, actually my cousin but more like a sister I always wished for, is the most amazing person I’ve ever come across in life. Her strength and motivation for life, despite all the odds, has always been an inspiration for me. We have always shared a good equation with each other, more like buddies, and she will always be a special part of my life. So thank you bro and thank you sis for showing me what sibling love is all about and growing up wouldn’t have been as much fun without you guys!

My friends-  Friends are indeed an integral part of your life. Life without friends is like… pepsi without the fizz! I always had a very few friends but the ones I made…were made for life. Some of them are very close to my heart and will always remain special no matter the distance and time we might have remained apart. Those are the true friends who were always there with me morally if not physically and supported me through the thick and thin. So thank you dear friends for just being there!

And to all of you who have impacted my life directly or indirectly like my maids for making my life a lot easier and smoother… they are a life saver!, my favorite food joints for coming to the rescue when the cook in me is on a strike, my favorite shopping malls without which I wouldn’t have been able to sport the trendiest and coolest attires, the farmers of our country without whom we wouldn’t have been able to relish the nutritious vegetables and fruits, the inventor of internet – life would have been virtually lonely without the internet, the readers of my blog who take the time and effort to read what I write and leaving their precious comments thereafter, and countless others who have made my life a beautiful and a comfortable place to live in! Thank you ALL!

And last but not the least, Thank you God! For bringing all these amazing people into my life and making my life's journey memorable and enjoyable!

So, who are you thankful to this Thanksgiving??  :)


  1. I am going to thank you for reminding me to say my thank yous!!!


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