A letter... which never made it to the red box!

Not so dear stray dogs of my society,

I’m sure you must be in the pink of your health! How do I know? Oh well, who can know better! Isn’t it obvious from the way u bark your lungs out? It seems you get an unexplainable pleasure barking without any reason and distressing the poor residents of the society. And no, you never bark unaccompanied. You have to gather all your friends, who feel they are missing some rock show and come wagging their tails to join you, from the nearby communities and perform a chorus kinda thing, which is mind you, not very soothing for our ears even though if you feel you are as good as the Beatles or the likes! Moreover, you don’t need a time table for that, do you? You tend to do that any time of the day and even worse any time during night depending on your mood, every single day!

What’s even more amazing is the fact that we, the residents of the society, cannot do anything about it (thanks to some animal lovers’ protest) and therefore you callous canines feel that you rule us and try to terrorize us. Thanks to you, I now fear stepping out of my home premises in the fear of being hounded by you. The minute I do that, you rush out from wherever you are and whatever you are doing and inspect the surroundings as if we are planning a conspiracy against you (How I wish though!). I literally feel like I’ve to clear the security check post whenever I want to go out and the same way when I return home, you come sniffing your way to my car as if to check who’s invading your territory. Thought the fact is you are the one who has invaded our territory and with that our peace of mind!

Seriously, you need to be a little empathetic towards our feelings, is that too much to ask for? Yeah I guess so. Since you are not showing any scope of improvement in your impolite and discourteous behavior. Sigh! Which negates the whole point of writing this cordial letter to you, naively expecting to see a miracle as soon as you had read it, doesn’t it? Alas! we are not that lucky it seems and our agony is yet to come to any conclusion. But you see I needed to vent it out somewhere as I cannot vent it out on you, for obvious reasons – I don’t want to be the object of your fuming eyes and a plaything for your vicious teeth!  

Anyhow, I conclude this letter hereby, pleading you to at least look over the matter and try to reflect on what I’m trying to say here. I’m sure it would be painstakingly hard for you to do that but c’mon give it a shot once! Try to place yourself in our shoes (which doesn’t mean that you can sneak away our shoes lying outside in the middle of the night as you have done in the past…no no no!) What I meant was try being human and see what we all we have to go through due to your excessive invasion in our lives. That’s all I have to say. Thanks for your utmost patience in hearing me out till the end without as much as whispering a woof! :)

A troubled and sleep deprived resident of the society!


  1. hahaha.. neha - amazing writeup..! had a good laugh after reading this.

  2. If the dogs in your society happen to read this, pls do tell them to pass it on to Tejpal society, paldi, would really appreciate that !!

  3. Thanks Pamela! :)

    Gauri bhabhi - Sure will do that! If only they could read it life could have been a lot easier for sure :P


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