Ring in the new year, ring out the old!

A new year. A new beginning. New hopes. New resolutions. New dreams. Yet another year gone by turning all the events of the past year into memories, some etched in our minds forever! The past year bestowed upon us hope & happiness proving it to be a landmark year for us and it also gave me the most coveted and valuable title of my life which every woman dreams of. Mother!

The past year has been a joyride all the way. Life has never been so busy yet super fun, before I embarked on the journey of motherhood. The last seven months of the year whizzed by so swiftly that I just amazingly realized the fact that my little baby has completed a little more than first half of the year on this earth already! Whoa! Where did the time fly I wonder? Looks like I’ve been so engrossed (and happily so) in changing diapers and cleaning baby bottles that I probably just lost track of all time! :P 

Seriously, it just feels like yesterday when we came back to India struggling to settle down against all odds in hope for a better future. And amidst all the efforts we eventually did find our ray of hope emerging from the gray clouds when I found out I was pregnant and here I am now, a year and a half later, enjoying motherhood and finally at peace with myself over the perplexity of going back to the country where most people on the face of this earth strive to go. Yes, I was a little perplexed initially whether to go back there or stay back here. I was torn between choosing the love & togetherness of family or the leisure & luxury of life. It made it all the more confounded when faced with the inquisitiveness of friends & family as to whether I like it here or there, whether life is better here or there and such other questions which made me ponder even deeply about it. But to my astonishment, I wasn’t able to answer their queries as even I wasn’t sure which place I wanted to be and enjoyed living in. I didn’t have a perfect answer to their questions.

After a bit of soul searching, I ultimately realized that its not really about the place, both the places are good in their own standing but it is more about your priorities than anything else as to which place is better. It also made me realize the fact that, indirectly, it is our priorities that decides our life and the path it chooses, not us. You can have all the luxuries and leisures of life but faraway from the comfort and warmth of your family. Alternatively, you have your family around yet at times you crave for that freedom and ease of life. Eventually, it is you who have to weigh in your priorities and navigate your life in the direction you want and let go of something for the other. There’s no right and there’s no wrong. You just need to go with your instinct and what you feel is right for you at that moment. In the end, whatever your priority is and wherever you decide to stay, it should be with all your heart else its not going to work out and you won’t be happy and at peace whether you are here, there or anywhere else!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my family, friends, well-wishers, acquaintances and of course the readers of this blog! My new year resolution – To update my blog more frequently and give my readers a weekly dose of Nehaism! What? Too much too handle? Ok how about a fortnightly dose? C’mon two weeks is good enough time to recover from the torment of Nehaism, isn’t it? :P

So, whats your New Year resolution?


  1. Happy New Year to all of you.. My new year resolution is to keep my voice low under any circumstances while talking to my kids..well it may look like a cake walk to you right now..just wait till your princess grows a bit more !


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