A mother's letter - II

My dear daughter,

Today, as you turn two years of age, I look past and reminisce the day you were born. It feels not so long ago when you entered our lives and spread happiness around. You made your way instantly into our lives and our hearts so effortlessly and graciously. The past two years has gone by so swiftly that I now realize that I will miss those little things that I so deeply loved about you.

Gone are the days of longing to get a peek of that incredible toothless smile now that you have your complete set of teeth. Gone are the days of watching you take that first step and your wobbly walk now that you run around the whole house with confident stride. Gone are the days of listening to you coo and gurgle now that you talk incessantly all day long. Gone are the days of holding you in my arms and rocking you to sleep now that you lie by my side dozing off listening to bedtime stories. Gone are the days when you sat on your high chair finishing your meals without any fuss now that you only eat your chosen meals watching your favorite cartoons. Gone are the days when mom was the word now that you have entered the terrible two’s and have a mind(full of tantrums) of your own. Gone are the days of carefree toddler hood now that you are soon to start your playschool. Gone are those days. Sigh!

My little baby you are budding too quickly for my liking. You are like a little caterpillar who is soon about to transform into a pupa. And in no time,you will convert into a beautiful butterfly and spread your colourful wings and fly away onto a different flower. Though, more than me your daddy is dreading that day and it’s gonna be one hell of a task to persuade him about your proclamation to fly off. So you better start preparing him from now itself coz I sure won’t be able to handle your old man and his grumpiness at that time. I’m sure I’ll already have enough of tantrums from you by that time looking by the rate it’s going on now, that it’ll be enough to last a lifetime. So I don’t need any more of them, Thank you very much!

No matter how much I scold you, how much I try to discipline you or how much I reprimand you, always be sure of the immense love I have for you which comes from not only you being my daughter but also for the little being you are and the unique persona you possess. In spite of being temperamental and throwing tantrums at the drop of the hat there is a soft side to you which oozes love, compassion, warmth and care for everyone around. And I hope you continue to display such great distinctiveness as you grow older and wiser and become a beautiful person from within just as you are beautiful outside.

Now as a self instilled tradition, I have written this small poem which came straight from the heart for your second birthday and it goes like this -

As u complete yet another year on the face of this earth
I wonder where did time whiz by since the day of your birth
It feels just like yesterday when I first held you in my arms
And in the blink of an eye you’ve blossomed like a flower in the farms
You continue to astound me with your antics as u grow older
And you never cease to make my heart grow fonder
Always remember this O’ sweet child of mine
No matter what I will always love you till the end of time
On this special day I wish you love & happiness infinity
And I hope to cherish these moments spent with you till eternity!

Your mother.


  1. Beautiful. Just keep writing. It's very inspiring for me.love your power of language and command to write

    1. Thanks for your inspiring words Pals! :)


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