White Love

Finally the much awaited & my favorite month of the year arrived.. December! No, its not my birthday month. Though, co-incidentally, it happens to be the month when I willingly gave up my singledom and with that my freedom to be grounded oops bonded forever in holy matrimony. Sigh. Despite this fact it still remains my favorite month because with it its arrival, arrives my most favorite season - winter! Yes, I absolutely love winters and the chill it brings with it. And snow. Yeah you read that right. I know I am at the risk of being called crazy here, just as people who know me really well already think I am, but I really miss the Connecticut snow & wish it snows someday here as well, which I know is practically and logically impossible. Ahhh well.

Just thinking about it brings a chill and makes me wanna go back to that time where I lived the white winter dream just as I had always envisioned it. The entire city looks oh so pure and pristine wrapped up in a white blanket of snow. And you are transported in a beautiful world where everything is perfect. Just like heaven. I still remember the first time I experienced the magic of snow. I can still feel the childlike excitement and exhilaration I felt that day. The white snow flakes silently falling down from above and draping me in its essence and purity is something I'll always cherish. You feel like you are swiftly enveloped in a long buried sense of tranquility and peace. The warmth & happiness it brought to me along with it was beyond imagination. It was enchanting. And then the magic ended as swiftly as it started. My romance with snow was short lived. Though, however short it was, it was worth every bit and I truly feel fortunate to have lived a dream! Thanks to my dear hubby. For pulling me into his world which was beyond the boundaries of my confined world. Even now, when someone asks me what do I miss the most about US, I promptly reply 'It's the snow'. And thats exactly how deep my love for snow is. Nostalgia strikes. I so badly need a dose of snow in my life now. Switzerland, here I come. **THUD** Oh that wasnt me, it was my hubby who fell off his chair after reading this. Don't worry, I'll make sure he comes to his senses back soon and whizzes me off to meet my lost love. Sounds like a movie plot, eh?!? Well, hope to have a happy ending just like the movie.

And with the New year just around the corner it surely is perfect time to wish for all my dreams or atleast one of them turns to reality in the coming year. And yours as well. Here's wishing all my family, friends and readers of this blog a very happy and prosperous 2015! May you live the life of your dreams! Cheers

P.S - As you can make out, I started off with this post in early December and posting it around the end of the month. Can't believe it took me a month to finish writing a small post such as this one. Hope to do better in the coming year. Any suggestions from you, the readers of this blog, to improve the quality and content of the blog? Looking forward to a better blogging year. Thanks for your support and time for reading my blogs. See you next year!


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