The webbed world
Dearest Internet,
Ever since your advent, life has changed drastically. Actually way beyond that. We didn’t realize at that time that we are headed back in the times of slavery. Yes, we are your slaves. The irony is we have willingly surrendered ourselves to you without even us realizing it. Smooth win for you, ain’t it? Its rather funny how you have us entwined around your little fingers that even the thought of getting liberated seems farfetched. You must be smirking at our insanity and how you have us besotted. Completely.
Ever wondered, the plight of us humans who rely on you day and night? We cannot fathom even one day without your blissful existence. I don’t know how we even existed before you. You have become an integral part of our daily life and play a vital role in our lives. Even more significant than our family and loved ones. We can probably live without them for a day but would go crazy if we had to even stay apart from you for a few hours. That is how important you are to us. And I’m utterly thankful that you came into our lives and made our mundane lives so happening and fun compared to the dull and unexciting lives we had before your advent.
Gone are the days when our mornings and nights used to start and end with prayers. Now it starts and ends with you in the form of checking whatsapp/facebook messages.
Gone are the days when we had breakfast, lunch and dinner with the family. Now it’s done with you disguised as smartphones.
Gone are the days when we used to talk and spend time with our family and friends. Now its done online with virtual friends.. Ahh you again.
Gone are the days when we used to play outside and enjoy the sun. Now we play with you through virtual games.
Gone are the days when we used to write personalized handwritten letters to our loved ones loaded with heartfelt emotions. Now we send emails with emoticons, with your help ofcourse.
Gone are the days when waiting seemed boring, never ending and annoying. Now we have you for company with the plethora of information available from you at our fingertips and time just whizzes by.
Gone are the days when vacations meant rejuvenation and disconnection from the outer world. Now vacations are pointless without you if we cannot show off all the selfies taken and check-ins done, how on earth will everyone know how much fun we are having, right? Absolutely.
Apparently, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there in our lives. At all times. ALWAYS. People say that you are there for our service. Again, silly people. Little do they know that we humans are actually at your service and disposal. You are the world boss. And ruling the entire mankind without them even being aware of it. And that’s precisely how you have webbed the entire world at your feet. Pure genius! *Taking a bow*
Yours Truly,
An enchanted Internet slave!
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