First time ever...

A child’s firsts are special moments for any parent. You watch with wonder when your child achieves a milestone for the first time ever. I’m no different. I’ve even captured some of her first moments on my lens and froze them for ever! Every time I look at those pictures it exudes nostalgia and feeling of reliving those moments again and again. Every first is exceptional and holds a special place in my heart and mind.

Her first day of life is the happiest day of my life and all the pain of c-section evaporated into thin air the moment I held her in my arms for the first time.

Her first smile was like a magical moment and even till this day fills my heart with warmth, peace and contented happiness that is beyond words.

Her first squeals and laughter are like music to my ears and can’t seem to get weary of hearing it over and over again.

Her first tummy-time brings back the memories of the time she learnt to wriggle her way ahead.

The first time she sat by herself was a proud moment of celebration and reckoning the fact that mumma’s days of sitting and relaxing are over.. Better brace myself for the joyride that was about to begin.

The first time she started to crawl was the day I knew that I won’t need to go to the gym and work my sweat out anymore since she has discovered a way to keep me on my toes all day long!

And all hell broke lose the day she first started walking and running.. And there was no stopping or looking back. It was like a tiny tornado on the move.. Phew!

The first time she said mumma, was the day I felt like I had finally and truly achieved the status of being a mom. It suddenly dawned that yes I am a mother, in the true sense now. Yippee..!

Her first introduction to food was a dream come true for any mom.. She happily slurped on everything that was fed to her .. lucky me u would think. Well, the luck only stayed for so long. Now, it is an entirely different story! Sigh!

Her first holiday when she was four months was a memorable and significant trip coz that is when she started to sleep long hours .. The magic of holidays had rubbed off on her too and I secretly hoped that she will become a wanderer just like her mom.

The first time she celebrated all the festivals like Navratri, Diwali, Christmas, Uttarayan and Holi were the ones that were celebrated the most with fervor and joy. The excitement to dress her up and share the festivities with her, in itself was a very happy occasion for us as first time parents.

Her first time in a swimming pool was a moment of revelation… She just loved water! Couldn’t seem to get enough of water play, she was like a fish in the water who would wriggle with pain if taken out of water.

And I could just go on and on with the list. But these are just some of the most memorable and significant firsts that comes to my mind when I think about her firsts. It is rightly said that when a child is born, a mother is born too. And with your child’s firsts you relive your childhood. I just did too! 


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