A mother's letter-- IV

My dear Daughter,

I still can’t believe you are four now! I mean, where and how did all these years whiz by me? Inspite of my whining and grumbling to the world about how you have left no stone unturned to make my life, umm well, frenzied (to put it gently); I realize now how ridiculously boring and uneventful my life would have been otherwise and I wouldn’t have anything to blog about here if not for your ..err.. rebellious, defiant and charismatic personality. So thanks to you for keeping my blog alive and giving me motivation to write about periodically!

You entered your fourth year with a thud.. A thud with blood. Gosh! It still gives me a shiver when I think of that fateful day. We were having our dinner, your dad and I, and you were playing inside the room all alone (still curse ourselves for leaving you alone despite knowing your mischievous nature…sigh!) and suddenly we heard a loud thud from the room. We rushed inside to see what happened and there you were lying on the floor with a pool of blood oozing out of your mouth. We panicked at the sight of so much blood and could not realize where you were hurt, at first. Then I saw the missing tooth! Yes, you lost your front tooth that day. Out of all the chaos happening that day, one thing that absolutely tugged my heart string was to see the empathetic side of yours. While we were in the hospital and since I was in a state of shock I was crying inconsolably. There your little voice comforted me saying “Mamma, please don’t cry. I’m fine now.” And I cried even harder. My little baby had grown up! And how.

You were back to your usual self the very next day leaving us to recover from the distress. Though, when we were eventually coming out of that shock, there came another blow. We went to get your eyesight checked since we both, your dad and I, have specs. So we feared that you might get it too. And our worst fears came true and my heart broke into million little pieces to see you go through all this at such tender age. How I wished I could take away all your pain and sufferings. It killed us to accept the fact that we passed on our weaknesses to you so early in life. But you, being you, embraced it whole heartedly and were so excited to wear them that you even chose your new specs yourself. It made our pain a little bearable to see you living and enjoying in what life has to offer.

Both these incidents enabled us to discover a whole new side of yours. You taught us a thing or two about life. You showed us how to live in the moment and not regret the past or worry about the future. You showed us how to be full of life and be happy even when life throws thorns in your way. You showed us how to rise above the pain and sadness and find happiness within you. You showed us the true meaning of life and how to live it. If we are able to inculcate even ten percent of what you have taught us about life, then we would be leading a happier and peaceful life. But we are not you. You, my love, are different. You are a gift full of happiness and liveliness that we have been blessed with. Your abundant energy and enthusiasm for the smallest things in life is infectious. Though sometimes tiring for us. We are getting old you see.

After this gory start to the year, rest of the year went by smooth and uneventful. Thankfully. Your terrible two’s syndrome was also taming down gradually. And the best part was as soon as you entered your fourth year, you were completely potty trained and diaper free. At last! Mission accomplished after an ongoing battle which lasted a year. Phew! Thank you God for keeping my sanity intact throughout that battle and most importantly putting an end to it! Of course, I do know there are a lot more battles awaiting me on the road ahead but for now I feel as if I have battled and survived the hardest and the longest one ever. Ah yes, you also had your first stage performance during your fourth year. For your school’s annual day. Seeing my little doll dancing on stage with such confidence, grace and poise made my heart swell with pride and joy. It was a sheer relief to see you on stage and not blanking out like I used to do. You are a performer all the way, unlike me!

God bless you, today and always!

Yours forever,


P.s. – Ok missy so now that you know what exactly happened ten years ago, please don’t kill me for telling you that your tooth fell off because you didn’t drink milk and manipulating you into drinking milk and banning chocolates all these years by doing so. You know how much I love you, right? I did it for your sake. I swear. Btw, I’m making your favourite pasta tonight. I’m sure you can’t remain mad at me anymore after that. (**Sheepish Grin**)

You are my sunshine

My smile in the morning

My laughter when we play

My cheer when I fear

My peace while asleep

My joy of every day


You love to sing and dance

And give life a fair chance

You love to be a drama queen

And pretend to be a chirpy teen

You love to read and draw

And take up the challenge that life throws

You love to be headstrong and defiant

And always so downright confident


You brighten up my world

With your sparkling persona

You my dear daughter

Are mine forever

I for you and you for me

Like two stars

We shine forever!




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