I just want to be ME!

 For me, there’s nothing more important than playing the role of a mother to my child at this point in my life. I have never been the ambitious kind. I have always been content and happy playing a myriad of roles in my life that of a daughter, a wife and now a mother. I never felt as if I’ll miss something or I’m misplaced in life if I don’t work professionally. That’s a different story that there are some people who like to make you feel that way. And they almost succeeded. At one point in time even I felt I was worthless and a nobody since I didn’t work. But, thank God for a supportive and understanding husband who always supported me in all my decisions (well most of them) and particularly this one. He always told me and motivated me to do what makes ME happy. And I did just that. I found my happiness in discovering myself as a photographer, blogger/writer, an artist, a crafter and a graphic designer. I wear these different hats according to my penchant and the best part is I don’t need to report to anyone. As I’m my own boss! And specially after becoming a mother this freedom has proved to be a boon.

Not that I’m against working, I would love to work someday if I find something that would make me happy and satisfying at the end of the day and not just for the heck of it just to prove a point, but I’m against the notion that if you are a stay at home mom then you are inferior compared to a working mom. So my perception of #moretome is not that I have more to me than being just a mother. I would say that there is #moretome than NOT being a working woman. I’m much more than that. I’m a daughter, a wife, a daughter in law, a mother, a friend, a graphic designer, a blogger, a photographer, an artist, a crafter, a reader, a dreamer, a traveler and much more. And I still have to and want to learn a lot more in life which would add a new perspective and goal in life.

 I want to explore and travel around the world

 I want to learn a new sport

 I want to be a better mother, wife and daughter to my child, husband and both set of parents respectively.

 I want to become more fitness savvy than what I am currently.

 I want to have a more positive outlook towards life and toss away all the negativity around.

 I want to practice yoga everyday.

 I want to write a book someday.

 I want to become a travel photographer.

 I want to reconnect with nature.

 I want to overcome my fears and limitations.

 There’s so much I still have to do in life but above all I want to be just ME!





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