A mother's letter - VIII

My dear daughter,

Today you are turning eight. Yeah, I know I’ve been a lazy writer this past year and as much as I hate to admit it, a lazy mother as well. I know I haven’t been giving enough time to you as I should be and have been yelling a lot on you mostly for your tantrums and a rebellious attitude. Though, only I am to be blamed for that as I can tend to be a tad overbearing, overprotective and sometimes over edgy with you which in turn aggravates the rebel in you. But from today, on this special day, let’s promise each other that we’ll make an effort to become a better version of ourselves. I’m not the preachy type, my past letters to you are a testimony of that and when you read it you’ll know that it has nothing but immense love that I have for you. But this time, I want you to make a few promises to me, as will I, but since this letter is from me to you I’ll list down the promises that I want you to make which eventually will help you to become a better version of yourself in the future.

Promise me that you’ll always be kind, compassionate and polite with everyone around you. You’ll be remembered more for your kindness than your smartness. Look for the goodness in everyone and all around you. And you’ll find what you seek.

Promise me you will be brave and courageous to face all the obstacles that life throws at you and not run away or be fearful of them. Always remember that only when you face your fears you will become fearless..

Promise me that you will define beauty not based on the outer appearance but what’s inside the body. The soul. The mind. The heart. Redefine the meaning of beautiful.

Promise me that whatever you do in life, you’ll do it with all your passion and heart into it. When things are done half-heartedly it loses its purpose and meaning. Be passionate and follow your heart.

Promise me that you will always believe in yourself. Be confident. No matter what. Everything is achievable if you put your mind and heart into it. Yes, you need to work hard for it but if you are not afraid of hard work nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams and goals.

Promise me that you’ll never let your free spirit die… Live freely without any inhibitions of what the world will say or think of you. As long as it’s not illegal and age appropriate, don’t be afraid to try new things and let your spirit soar.

Promise me that you will always be happy. No, it doesn’t mean you can’t be sad. You can be sad, angry, mad, confused, irritated and feel every other emotion possible but always find a way back to your happiness. It has the strength to overcome all other negative emotions.

Promise me that you will always speak the truth. Never lie. Be someone whom everyone would blindly trust and not the one who breaks other trust. Being truthful in this fake world is a rare quality, which I’ll be the most happiest about if, you can attain.

Promise me that you’ll not be afraid of failures. Only when you fail or make mistakes, you grow. Learn from your mistakes and don’t let it deter you from trying again.

Promise me that you’ll always believe in magic. Never let the spark inside of you die. Always be you. Sparkle. Shimmer. Shine.

It may seem a lot many promises to keep but I trust you that you’ll do your best to keep these promises and always remember whenever you falter or feel alone, I’ll always be beside you to hold your hand and be there with you at every step in life, no matter what. But you and only you will have to take that first step. And I’m sure you’ll be able to do that eventually when the time is right. Your dad and I will always be there to support you and guide you, sweetheart. So, I hope this letter encourages you, not only today but for years to come, to be a better version of yourself. Whenever you feel weak or lost, this letter will remind you what you can be and will be. Strong, brave, confident, compassionate, free-spirited, magical, beautiful and much much more. Just always remember to believe in yourself. And there the magic begins…

Love you till eternity,
Your mother.


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