They grow so fast

They grow so fast..

And the phrase seems both so very true and false at the same time as in the day to day life nothing seems so fast. A meal can take an eternity and a sleepless night a lifetime. It takes ages to potty train them and eons to transition from co-sleeping in parents room to sleeping in their own. Years of meditation sometimes fail to keep you calm and sane when a raging tantrum tornado hits you out of nowhere.  Yet everyone else around you says they grow so fast as they are on the other side of the tornado watching it from far who are clueless of what goes inside of it ! Oh yeah!

Although, another part of you also agrees with everyone else when you look at your little one, and suddenly realize they are not so little anymore! Their tiny little hands, that always used to hold you tightly are not so tiny anymore. Those tiny little feet, that used to follow you like a shadow everywhere you go, fits in your shoe now! 
Their innocent cute tales and babbles have turned into mature conversations and sometimes a ramble. From seeking our guidance and advise to giving their two cents on every matter even when not asked. From looking at you with wonder to looking at you wondering what's wrong with her. From being the world's best mom to being the mean mom. Oh boy! Did they grow up so fast !?!

And so i want to hold her in my arms a little longer today coz already my little girl is gone and one day not too far in the future, there will soon be a teenager and then a young woman. 

And when my girl grows up to become a young lady, ready to take on the world, i would miss her little hands holding my hand and looking up to me with her doe eyes for every little thing, which at times i found annoying at that point in time. Aahh.. how i would wish then to turn back time and relive those moments again. 

Yes, they are right. They grow so fast... Ohh, why do they grow so fast!


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