Not so 'cul-n a-rysky-skill' :P
One question. That haunts me everyday. That wrings the nerves of my brain mercilessly. Not once but twice a day! Isn’t it funny how just one question, the very same one each and every day of my life, can manage to make my life miserable or at the very least give a run to my mental peace? “What do I make for lunch/dinner today?” There I wrote it. Even writing about it makes me fret and starts wrecking my brain nerves upside down as if someone crushing the strings of a guitar ruthlessly! “Oh Gosh! Its already time to start thinking about what to make for dinner! Now let me see what I have in the fridge… umm… Ahaaa, I found a Cauliflower! Naaah I just made it day before yesterday.” There goes my first option. Ok so what next? I have some potatoes . “Naah it has too much carbs honey and not very good for the stomach” pat comes the reply from dear hubby. Alright. How about some Punjabi dishes? Too heavy . South Indian? Not in the mood. Pizza or pastas? Too much calories . And it ...