
Showing posts from September, 2011

Not so 'cul-n a-rysky-skill' :P

One question. That haunts me everyday. That wrings the nerves of my brain mercilessly. Not once but twice a day! Isn’t it funny how just one question, the very same one each and every day of my life, can manage to make my life miserable or at the very least give a run to my mental peace? “What do I make for lunch/dinner today?” There I wrote it. Even writing about it makes me fret and starts wrecking my brain nerves upside down as if someone crushing the strings of a guitar ruthlessly!   “Oh Gosh! Its already time to start thinking about what to make for dinner! Now let me see what I have in the fridge… umm… Ahaaa, I found a Cauliflower! Naaah I just made it day before yesterday.” There goes my first option. Ok so what next? I have some potatoes . “Naah it has too much carbs honey and not very good for the stomach” pat comes the reply from dear hubby. Alright. How about some Punjabi dishes? Too heavy . South Indian? Not in the mood. Pizza or pastas? Too much calories . And it ...

So what if...

Stirred by the previous post, I decided to focus on the positive things in life instead of the negatives for a change. Enough of condemnation and criticism has been done since the time I made life’s U-turn. Enough of my frustration has been vented out through this medium since then. So it’s time now to modify the perception and give it an entirely new outlook, turning to some positive and good things that have happened since life’s U-turn. -         The best thing that happened to us since our move back ‘Home’ is finally re-uniting with our families. **Yay! Hum saath saath hain… :) ** So what if we are in different cities but at least we can meet more often than not at all! -         We can gorge on all the yummy and mouth watering delicacies that we had longed for… all that we want and whenever we want! ** Slurrrpily drooling ** So what if we fell sick every now and then…it builds up our immunity, ain’t it?!?...

I'm thankful for... this beautiful gift of life!

It is preposterously pitiable how we keep on complaining about each and every thing in life. We come across one small adversity and BAM! we embark on a never-ending grumbling chronicle. And I’m no exception. Some of my previous posts are a testimony of that. :D It demonstrates our fragility to put up with anything remotely inconvenient. Endurance has taken its toil since intolerance (to hardship, pain, anguish, restriction, uncomfort, and so on..) has taken over and prevails over the modern age band. What we fail to comprehend is that behind all these struggles lies the reason for survival, for strength and for life. It’s enormously commendable when people try to find the positivity behind the negativity. I, for my life, can’t seem to find anything positive when I’m faced with a trying situation. But when I came across this piece of positive thinking which I randomly found on the internet while surfing, for some reasons it struck a chord within. It is written simply nevertheless it le...

Words are all I have...

WORDS . A small word. But a powerful medium. An influential tool. To express oneself. To voice your opinion to the world. To bring to life your deepest thoughts. A few right words put together can make an everlasting impression on one’s mind and spirit.. On the other hand, a few inapt words put together can form an irrevocable rift between the strongest of relations. It depends entirely upon how you use the power of word, to work in or against your favor.  Gifted are those who can express their thoughts in the right way and with a positive impact on others, through words! Such able people once they begin writing, words magically start flowing out of their minds onto the paper (in this day and age on MS Word). Unlike amateur writers like me, who have to squeeze the life out of their intelligence and wits to think of something appropriate to write at the same time struggling to hold the interest of their readers…whatever few there are ! :P That’s another thing that I cannot even ...