
Showing posts from April, 2016

If only...

I couldn’t recognize her at first. It took me a few moments to realize that it was her. Her face looked pale and there were traces of aging all over her beautiful face. She looked ten years older than her actual age. She was the one who was blessed with good looks and beauty. She was a beautiful person inside out. She had always been popular back in our hay days. Everyone loved her and yearned for her company.   Though only a lucky few got the pleasure of her company. And I was the chosen one.   It was a sort of miracle that she chose me to be her friend since we were complete opposites. While I was an introvert, she was an extrovert. While I was the geek of the class, she was the heart of the class. While I used to shy away from parties, she was the life of a party. While I had a few friends, she made friends easily.   In short, we were poles apart yet there was some unknown force that bonded us together and made our friendship stronger by the day. Eventually, we grew to be inseparabl