Confessions of a Shopaholic!
Whoever said that America is hit by recession, surely hadn’t been to the shopping malls of America ! ;P That’s one place, apart from the eating joints, where you don’t see the influence of recession …only explosion of shopaholic souls, senses and sales! And if its holiday season then all the more reasons to shop more. Basically, we all need to indulge ourselves once in a while (defining ‘a while’ here might vary individually ;)) and what better way to unwind the mind, body and soul (and money!) other than retail therapy! :D Oh yes! Therapy indeed, for us women, but most likely pain (ouch!) for your hubby dear.. (I’m sure most of the husbands will be in agreement with me here.. including mine or I should rather say ..especially mine! :P ) There’s something about ‘shopping’ and ‘women’ that goes hand in hand. You just can’t imagine ‘shopping’ without ‘women’ and vice versa. Perhaps, it gives us a sense of free will, a sense of authority or maybe God just designed us to be that wa...